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The Algorithms


Decimal to Any

Excel Title to Column

Temperature Conversions

Weight Conversion

Hexadecimal to Decimal

Decimal to Octal

Volume Conversions

Molecular Chemistry

Decimal to Hexadecimal

Binary to Decimal

Energy Conversions

Speed Conversions

Astronomical Length Scale Conversion

Octal to Decimal

Prefix Conversions String

Rgb Hsv Conversion

Pressure Conversions

Binary to Hexadecimal

Binary to Octal

Roman Numerals

Prefix Conversions

Length Conversion

Decimal to Binary

Decimal to Binary Recursion

Hex to Bin

RGB To Hex

Roman To Decimal

Liters To US Gallons

Title Case Conversion

Temperature Conversion

Liters To Imperial Gallons

Array Buffer To Base 64

Ounces To Kilograms

Hex To Binary

Meter To Feet Conversion

Railway Time Conversion

Oct To Decimal

Hex To RGB

Upper Case Conversion

Binary To Hex

Base 64 To Array Buffer

Arbitrary Base

Decimal To Hex

Hex To Decimal

Date Day Difference

Date To Day

Decimal To Roman

Lower Case Conversion

Hexa Decimal To Binary

Any Base To Any Base

Octal To Binary

Any Base To Decimal

Hex To Oct

Integer To Roman

Turkish To Latin Conversion

Decimal To Any Base

Roman To Integer

Octal To Hexadecimal

Decimal to Octal Recursion

Infix to Postfix 2

To Decimal

Hexadecimal to Octal 2

Celsius to Fahrenheit

Decimal to Hexa

Int to String

C Atoi Str to Integer

Roman Numerals to Decimal

Hexadecimal to Octal



Weight Conversions

Speed Conversion

Temparature Conversion